Breast Augmentation

Who is Brest Augmentation Best For?
Patients who may be unhappy with the size and shape of their breasts.
What is breast augmentation?
A cosmetic procedure performed in the operating room to increase the volume and size of your breasts. This procedure enlarges and enhances your breasts with safe and medically approved saline and silicone implants.
What is the procedure like?
This procedure is done under general anesthesia and usually takes about 2 hours. This is a 1 day surgery. You do not stay in the hospital overnight.
What are the risks of breast augmentation?
Risks of this procedure include but are not limited to: Anesthesia risks, Bleeding, Infection, Fluid collection (Seroma) , Pain, Changes in nipple or breast sensation, Need for revision surgeries, Poor scarring, Implant leakage or rupture.
What types of breast augmentations (implants) are there?
There are many types of implant shapes, sizes and materials – round, teardrop (called anatomic), smooth, textured, saline, low viscosity gel, highly cohesive and form-stable silicone gel implants.
Most breast implants are placed under the pectoralis major muscle, although some patients choose to have the implant placed over the muscle.
Silicon Gel Implant:
These implants appear more breast-like in feel and texture – they rarely ripple or have visible irregularities. They do not leak and they have a lifetime warranty by the manufacturer.
Saline Implant:
These implants have been around the longest, therefore, having the longest history. These implants have the risk of rupturing or “deflating”. Their implants also sometimes have visible irregularities like rippling.
Fat grafting:
Harvesting a patient’s own fat tissue from areas where there is excess fat accumulation. This fat is purified and transplanted through fat injections into the breast. This type of augmentation is recommended for those that want only a very modest enhancement of the breast – only about ½ cup size.
What would my breast implant scars look like?
Incisions made during breast augmentations are made to be as inconspicuous as possible. There are various techniques for this surgery, but the most common approach is an infra-mammary incision and scar. This is so most of the scar is hidden as the breast falls over it.
What is recovery from breast augmentation like?
After surgery you will leave the hospital with a breast binder supporting your breasts. During the first few days following the procedure, you may feel pain and discomfort. This initial discomfort is controlled with oral pain medication. In the first few weeks following surgery, the breasts tend to appear swollen and very high on the chest – it takes a few weeks for the implants to drop down into the pocket and appear more natural.
When can I go back to work and start exercising again?
Light activity can be resumed after the first week. Aerobic exercises and upper body weight lifting can be resumed in about 6 weeks. You may return to work in about 1-4 weeks, depending on the type of job you have.
What Our Patients Say

Very nice, personable, makes you feel very comfortable, answers all your questions respectfully and he did an amazing job with my surgery.
Schedule a Consultation for Breast Augmentation in Springfield, MA
Dr. Brian A. Pryor, DO
300 Stafford St #256,
Springfield, MA 01104
(413) 748-7401